8 Coins That Changed History: Their Stories and Values

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1. Athenian Owl Tetradrachm

This ancient Greek coin, featuring the iconic owl of Athena, was widely used in trade and became a symbol of Athens' power and influence during the classical period.

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2. Roman Denarius

The denarius was the standard Roman silver coin for centuries, representing Rome's economic dominance in the ancient world.

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3. Spanish Pieces of Eight

Minted from silver mined in the Spanish colonies, these coins were a global currency in the age of exploration and played a crucial role in international trade.

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4. Gold Solidus of Byzantium

The solidus was the principal gold coin of the Byzantine Empire, maintaining its purity and stability for centuries and influencing medieval European economies.

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5. Venetian Ducat

Minted in Venice, the ducat was a widely recognized gold coin used in trade across Europe and the Mediterranean during the Renaissance.

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6. Spanish Doubloon

This large gold coin was used extensively during the Age of Exploration and became synonymous with the wealth and power of Spain's empire.

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7. British Sovereign

Introduced in the early 19th century, the sovereign became one of the world's most widely circulated gold coins during the height of the British Empire.

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8. US Double Eagle

Issued in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the double eagle was the largest denomination of regular-issue US gold coin and played a significant role in American commerce and finance.

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