8 Food Peels That Make For Healthy Chips

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1. Potato Peels

Rich in fiber and potassium, potato peels make for crispy, savory chips. Simply toss them with a little olive oil and your favorite seasonings before baking until crispy.

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2. Sweet Potato Peels

Sweet potato skins are high in vitamins A and C. They can be baked with a sprinkle of cinnamon and nutmeg for a sweet and crunchy snack.

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3. Apple Peels

Apple skins contain vitamins and fiber. Dusted with cinnamon and a touch of sugar, they can be baked into crispy chips that satisfy sweet cravings.

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4. Pear Peels

Like apple peels, pear skins are nutritious and can be transformed into chips. Sprinkle with a little sugar and ginger before baking for a unique treat.

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5. Carrot Peels

Carrot skins are rich in beta-carotene and fiber. Roast them with some olive oil, salt, and your preferred spices for a healthy, crunchy snack.

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6. Asparagus

Zucchini skins are light and can be baked into chips that are perfect for dipping. Season with salt, pepper, and maybe a little garlic powder for extra flavor.

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7. Pumpkin Peels

High in vitamins, pumpkin skins can be made into chips. Season with spices like cinnamon, nutmeg, or savory options like smoked paprika, and bake until crisp.

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8. Banana Peels

While less common, banana peels can be turned into chips. They're best when ripe (but not too mushy), sliced thin, and baked with a sprinkle of cinnamon or cocoa powder for a sweet treat.

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