8 Hidden Gems: Undervalued Coins You Should Add to Your Collection Now

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1. Aragon (ANT)

Aragon is a decentralized platform built on the Ethereum network that allows users to create and manage decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs). With a focus on governance and decentralization, ANT has potential for growth as the adoption of DAOs increases.

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ICON aims to connect various blockchain networks through its decentralized platform, enabling interoperability between different cryptocurrencies and projects. As the need for cross-chain communication grows, ICX could see increased demand.

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3. 1933 Double Eagle

Ren is a protocol that facilitates interoperability between different blockchain platforms, allowing for the transfer of assets across chains. With the rising popularity of decentralized finance (DeFi) and the need for liquidity across various networks, REN could experience significant growth.

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4. Holo (HOT)

Holo is a decentralized hosting platform that enables peer-to-peer hosting of applications. With a focus on scalability and decentralization, HOT could see increased adoption as decentralized applications (dApps) continue to gain traction.

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5. Quant (QNT)

Quant aims to enable interoperability between different blockchain networks and traditional systems, such as banking networks. With its focus on bridging the gap between disparate systems, QNT has the potential to revolutionize how value is transferred across networks.

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6. Nimiq (NIM)

Nimiq is a browser-based blockchain platform that aims to make cryptocurrency accessible to the masses through its user-friendly interface. With its focus on simplicity and ease of use, NIM could see increased adoption as more people enter the cryptocurrency space.

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7. 1793 Chain Cent

Enjin Coin is a cryptocurrency and blockchain platform designed for the gaming industry, enabling the creation and management of virtual goods. With the growing popularity of blockchain-based gaming, ENJ could see significant demand as developers seek to integrate blockchain technology into their games.

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8. Brasher Doubloon

Elrond is a scalable blockchain platform that aims to provide fast and inexpensive transactions. With its focus on scalability and efficiency, EGLD could see increased adoption as more applications and projects migrate to its platform.

8 Exotic Coins Every Collector Dreams of Owning