Top 8 Home Workouts For Weight Loss

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1. Bodyweight Squats

Stand shoulder-width apart, lower into a squat, keeping weight on heels, then return to standing.

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2. Lunges

Step forward with one foot, bend both knees to 90 degrees, push back to standing, repeat on other leg.

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3. Push-Up

Start in plank position, lower body by bending arms, push back up to plank.

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4. Burpees

Squat down, place hands on floor, jump feet back into plank, jump feet forward, jump up with arms overhead.

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5. High Knees

Run in place, bringing knees up towards chest while pumping arms.

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6. Mountain Climbers

Start in plank position, alternate bringing knees towards chest quickly.

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7. Jumping Jacks

Start with feet together, jump feet out wide while raising arms overhead, return to starting position.

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8. Plank with Shoulder Taps

Start in plank position, tap left hand to right shoulder, then right hand to left shoulder, alternate.

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