Top 8 Small Cat Breeds That Look Like Cuddly Kittens Forever

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1. Singapura

Known as one of the smallest cat breeds, Singapuras have a short coat, large eyes, and a playful personality. They usually weigh between 4 to 6 pounds and maintain a kitten-like demeanor throughout their lives.

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2. Munchkin

Recognizable by their short legs due to a genetic mutation, Munchkins are small and retain a kitten-like appearance into adulthood. They are playful and energetic, with their size and demeanor reminiscent of kittens.

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3. American Curl

Known for their unique curled-back ears, American Curls are small to medium in size. Their playful and affectionate nature, combined with their distinctive look, gives them a perpetual kitten-like charm.

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4. Cornish Rex

With a short coat that curls, the Cornish Rex is not only known for its unique look but also its small size and playful attitude. They are affectionate and maintain a high level of energy and curiosity throughout their lives.

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5. Devon Rex

Similar to the Cornish Rex, the Devon Rex has a short, curly coat and large ears. They are small, lively, and maintain a kitten-like curiosity and playfulness as they age.

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6. Scottish Fold

Recognizable by their folded ears, Scottish Folds are medium in size but can appear smaller due to their unique ear structure. They have a sweet, calm demeanor that adds to their kitten-like charm.

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7. Russian Blue

While they can grow to be medium-sized, Russian Blues have a delicate bone structure and fine features that give them a kittenish appearance. They are known for their dense, soft coat and bright green eyes, alongside a gentle and playful personality.

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8. Siamese

Siamese cats are on the slender side, with sleek bodies, large ears, and striking blue almond-shaped eyes. Their vocal and affectionate nature, combined with their elegant appearance, can give them a perpetual youthful look.

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